PTI Branch Locations
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- Birmingham
- Mobile
- Selma
- Sheffield
- Camden
- DeQueen
- Gurdon
- Jonesboro
- Newport
- North Little Rock
- Pine Bluff
- Siloam Springs
- Denver
- Grand Junction
- Phippsburg
- Pueblo
- Jacksonville
- Tampa
- Albany
- Atlanta
- Augusta
- Cedartown
- Columbus
- Gainesville
- Jesup
- Macon
- Savannah
- Valdosta
- Montpelier
- Nampa
- Pocatello
- Sandpoint
- Chicago East – Calumet
- Chicago West – Berkeley
- Collinsville
- Danville
- Decatur
- Joliet
- Kankakee
- Rochelle
- Salem
- Savanna
- South Pekin
- West Chicago
- Elkhart
- Evansville
- Ft. Wayne
- Indianapolis
- Lafayette
- Mt. Vernon
- Muncie
- Peru
- Petersburg
- Terre Haute
- Vincennes
- Des Moines
- Eagle Grove
- Ft. Dodge
- Ft. Madison
- Mason City
- Sioux City
- Oakley
- Pittsburg
- Salina
- Burnside
- Danville
- Louisville
- Martin
- Ravenna
- Russell
- Pikeville
- Alexandria
- Baton Rouge
- Lake Charles
- Monroe
- New Orleans
- Shreveport
- Hagerstown
- Detroit
- Dilworth
- Grand Rapids
- Minneapolis
- St. Cloud
- St. James
- St. Paul
- Staples
- Willmar
- Meridian
- Hattiesburg
- Kansas City
- Mexico
- Forsyth
- Glasgow
- Glendive
- Great Falls
- Havre
- Helena
- Laurel
- Libby
- Livingston
- Missoula
- Shelby
- Sidney
- Whitefish
- Buffalo
- Asheville
- Charlotte
- Chocowinity
- Greensboro
- Hamlet
- Linwood
- Raleigh
- Selma
- Winston-Salem
- Dickinson
- Hazen
- Grand Forks
- Hettinger
- Mandan
- Minot
- Williston
- Elko
- Las Vegas
- Alliance
- Ashtabula
- Bellevue
- Cincinnati
- Cleveland
- Columbus
- Conneaut
- Lima
- Mansfield
- Marion
- Marysville
- Mingo Junction
- Portsmouth
- Powhatan Point
- Toledo
- Youngstown
- Heavener
- Eugene
- Hermiston
- Klamath Falls
- La Grande
- Portland (Albina)
- Altoona
- Conway
- Pitcairn
- New Eagle
- South Fork
- West Brownsville
- Cayce
- Charleston
- Florence
- Greenville
- Spartanburg
- Aberdeen
- Edgemont
- Mitchell
- Mobridge
- Sioux Falls
- Watertown
- Chattanooga
- Etowah
- Knoxville
- Memphis
- Morristown
- Beaumont
- Big Spring
- Corsicana
- Dallas
- Denison
- Ft. Worth
- Hughes Springs
- Longview
- Odessa
- Pecos
- Sweetwater
- Texarkana
- Waco
- Wichita Falls
- Wylie
- Helper
- Milford
- Ogden
- Provo
- Salt Lake City
- Bristol
- Castlewood
- Crewe
- Danville
- Lynchburg
- Manassas
- Norfolk
- Norton
- Richlands
- Richmond
- Roanoke
- Shenandoah
- South Boston
- Grundy
- Centralia
- Longview
- Pasco
- Seattle
- Spokane
- Tacoma
- Beckley
- Bluefield
- Mullens
- Kenova
- Welch
- Williamson
- Adams
- Altoona
- Butler
- Janesville
- Kenosha
- La Crosse
- Milwaukee
- Superior
- Casper
- Cheyenne
- Douglas
- Gillette
- Green River
- Greybull
- Guernsey
- Kemmerer
- New Castle
- Rawlins
- Sheridan
Professional Transportation, Inc. is part of United Companies, headquartered in Evansville, Indiana. PTI has local offices in each state in which it conducts business operations.

Change Your Point Of View
Like the clients it serves, PTI’s main priority is safety. With over 4,600 associates nationwide, PTI has developed an internal safety department unlike any other through constant evaluation and training. Each of its drivers has been tested and trained in numerous areas of driving safety, and every van in its fleet is continually inspected and maintained for the highest degree of safety and comfort.