Working for PTI can fit into the life of many different people. Our flexible, 24-hour work schedule allows individuals to find the best times that fit the needs of their life. People looking for full-time work as their primary job or those looking for part-time work to fit their lifestyle or to supplement other work can find our driving positions fit very well.
Unlike other driving jobs, PTI provides everything an employee needs to do the job. We provide the necessary safety training, the vehicle, fuel, and maintenance. All you need to worry about is being on time, driving safely, and providing the best possible customer service.
Who are our drivers? Our team crosses all demographics. We look for individuals with a strong customer service focus, dedication to safety, and attention to detail. We have drivers who work for us full-time as their primary job as well as many others who work part-time to have a flexible schedule.
If you want a job that gives you the ability to interact with people, independence and provides benefits like health insurance, 401(k) retirement, and paid vacation, then PTI might be right for you.